Because of her newfound passion for leading a healthy lifestyle, this media mogul recently launched her own television show, "Revenge Body". This program follows Kardashian as she helps others who struggle with their health and weight, setting them up with Hollywood's top trainers, dietitians, and doctors to help them transform into a more confident, healthy version of themselves. Each participant has their own driving factor behind their goal to improve themselves, but whether it's an ex-boyfriend or an overbearing dad, they're all after the ultimate revenge of looking better than ever before.
This show goes beyond simple entertainment. After watching an episode of the show, I found myself scrolling through the show's website, leaving me feeling inspired enough to put down the family size box of white cheddar Cheez-It's and actually go to the gym. The site features inspiring before and after photos and stories of the individual episodes, information on what Khloe's workout routines and necessities, and enough encouragement to lead a healthier lifestyle to convince just about anyone.
After researching further the stories and experiences of the participants of each episode, every one of them stated that they've never felt better and fully intend to continue living a healthier lifestyle. Many have continued to lose even more weight, proving that their experience with Kardashian has made a lasting impact.
"Revenge Body" is quickly proving to be a huge source of inspiration for viewers, sparking interest in exercise, eating right, and having the drive to fully commit to a lifestyle change. With only three episodes under its belt, this inspirational show already has people talking, leaving critics to wonder how explosive the show's influence will become. With the positive message of inspiring others and transforming yourself the right way, it's clear that more Kardashian air time wouldn't be such a bad thing.
Maybe the Kardashians have talent after all.