Monday, April 10, 2017


United Airlines is yet again in trouble for bad behavior. Shortly following the leggings incident occurring just last month, in which the airline stopped three young girls from boarding a flight due to their lack of compliance with their "company benefit travel" dress code, United has managed to enrage customers again within 30 days. 

In this incident, passengers and onlookers alike were left traumatized after witnessing a man being dragged off of an overbooked flight leaving from Chicago.

The eventful flight was overbooked by 4 passengers, and when no one volunteered to give up their place when asked, airline security forcibly removed a doctor who protested that he needed to see patients the following day. Following the incident, the airline released an statement apologizing for "the overbook situation". 

After these two controversial incidents, it's safe to say countless people are calling for a boycott, and taking to the Internet to spread their cause. 

Clever Internet users are utilizing the company's slogan and tactic of encouraging consumers to "follow your wanderlust" and share travel pictures, twisting the message to display the harsh reality through wit and humor. 

The incident and public response has spread across varying outlets of social media like wildfire, sparking a huge PR issue for United Airlines that will call for serious attention. How the company aims to fix their image is a problem that is will take time to solve, requiring in-depth knowledge on how to navigate the public's sensitivity and feelings as well as the best method on how to reach them. 

Tuesday, April 4, 2017


It's no secret that brands and companies around the world have sunk their teeth into social media, progressively learning more and more about this new direct link to the consumer. As booming companies have grown more familiar with these outlets and how to speak the consumer's language, one brand in particular has excelled in their ability to relate to the culture and sense of humor of the public, especially the millennials.

Wendy's has taken the Twitter world by storm, embracing our generation's harsh sense of humor and appealing to our sense that the company is "one of us". Their voice reflects one of an individual user as opposed to a multi-million dollar brand trying to market their product, a tactic which has had immense success.

Twitter users across the globe have embraced Wendy's online sass, launching a buzz around the company's epic comebacks and shutdowns aimed at anyone brave enough to take them on via Twitter. 

This constant and witty banter with customers, competitors and critics alike has without a doubt harnessed the attention of the Twitter world, thus allowing the company to increase their brand awareness through the utilization of a relevant and millennial-friendly channel. This marketing strategy is quite effective, as it gets people talking about the company without directly advertising its brand. 

Wendy's serves as an excellent role model not only for companies struggling to reach their audience through a relatable and "cool" method, but for anyone looking for a killer comeback.