Monday, February 13, 2017


It's no secret that the modeling industry is famed for being cut-throat, ruthless, and unapologetic, an industry that is next to impossible to actually make it to the big leagues. But if you look closely to recent industry trends, you'll notice one catalyst that has started launching girls as young as 15 into instant stardom, causing iconic designers, agencies, and brands to take a second look at the fresh faced girl on the photo in front of them. 


This booming social media outlet has allowed young models to share glamorous and enviable photos of themselves lounging by a pool, out with friends, or simply a flawless selfie, resulting in an ever-increasing following. Becoming "insta-famous" has often resulted in big names in the industry to take notice when they otherwise wouldn't, illustrating how invaluable this social media site is to countless aspiring models. 

Being a famous Instagram model has molded into a career all in itself. These online celebrities earn quick cash by posting selfies and tagging a brand in their post, thus encouraging their countless followers to try out the latest fad or brand. To the rest of the world, this lifestyle can appear flawless. However a model known only on Instagram is ultimately hoping that an agency will stumble upon their account, take them under their wing, and offer a real career in modeling. 

Take model Alexis Ren, for example. This 19-year old was launched into Instagram infamy when the online world caught notice of her suntanned skin, easy going personality, and a waist so tiny it could only be explained as defying physics. Since finding fame at 15, Ren has accumulated nearly 7 million followers and a list of modeling clients including Calvin Klein, L'Oreal, and Express. 

Ren is just one example of a phenomenon swiftly working to define a generation, illustrating yet another expansion of the power of social media. 

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